7 Best Programming Languages for Data Visualization with Best Practices


Without a doubt, Python is one of the best languages ​​for data science and visualization. If you only plan on learning one language, data science, then it should be Python. healthandbeautytimes

Python's object-oriented design allows data scientists to perform operations with greater stability, modularity, and code readability. While data science is only a small part of the Python environment, it is rich in specialized machine learning libraries and popular tools like sci-kit-learn, Keras, and TensorFlow. Without a doubt, Python empowers data scientists. themarketingguardian

Why Python

Python is an easy-to-learn, human-readable programming language used to visualize, analyze, and process complex data techwadia. It's simple to install and configure, and easier to understand. Python is available for Mac, Windows and UNIX.

Data visualization

Matplotlib, plot.ly and convert for converting Python files to HTML pages explain impressive charts and dashboards to help data scientists express their results with power and elegance. techiesguardian

Language R

R is a free and open basis language that enables data scientists to work with a wide variety of operating systems and platforms. The main strength of this technology is statistics. R is more than just a language; it is a complete statistical computing environment. Simplify data manipulation, mathematical modeling, and data visualization with built-in functions. healthsunlimited

Why R?

In addition, the data visualization capabilities in R are slightly more complex than those in Python and tend to be easier to create. Python is a much easier language for beginners to learn.

R was built primarily for statistical computing and, as a result, offers a wider range of open-source statistical computing tools than Python.

Data visualization

R is a robust environment suitable for scientific visualization, with several specialized tools for graphically visualizing results. With the help of the graphics module, we can create basic charts, graphs and charts. The visualization can also be exported to graphic formats such as jpg. or as separate PDF files. ggplot2 is extremely useful for complex plots such as complex scatterplots with regression lines.


Java is today one of the oldest object-oriented programming languages ​​for both programming and business development. Most of the popular big data technologies such as Hive, Spark, and Hadoop are developed in Java. Weka, Java-ML, MLlib, and Deeplearning4j are just a few of the data analysis tools and libraries available in Java that you may not be familiar with.

Why Java?

While Java may not seem like the main language for data science, it is one of the main programming languages ​​for data science because of frameworks like Hadoop that run on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Hadoop is a popular data processing platform used to manage data storage and processing for big data applications. Hadoop allows you to store and process huge amounts of data due to its ability to process countless numbers of jobs at the same time.

In short, Java is one of the most suitable programmings languages ​​for data science if you want to leverage the power of the Hadoop framework.


Apache Spark is the main reason for learning Scala for data science. Scala is useful for data scientists when used in conjunction with Apache Spark to work with massive amounts of data (Big Data).

Many high-performance data processing frameworks built on top of Hadoop is often written and used in Scala or Java.

Scala's only drawback is its steep learning curve. In addition, due to the fact that the community is small, in the event of problems, it becomes time-consuming to independently search for solutions to queries.

Scala is ideal for applications where there is enough data to fully exploit the technology's capabilities.


Consider MATLAB as the most important programming language when it comes to performing complex mathematical calculations. While data science relies heavily on mathematics, it is a robust tool for mathematical modeling, image processing, and data analysis.


It has an extensive library of mathematical functions for linear algebra, statistics, Fourier analysis, filtering, optimization, numerical integration, and ordinary differential equations. MATLAB has built-in visuals for visualizing data, as well as the ability to create custom charts.


Julia works with data faster than Python, JavaScript, Matlab, R, and somewhat slower than Go, Lua, Fortran, and C. The strength of the technology is numerical analysis, but Julia can also handle general indoctrination.

Why Julia?

Julia is earlier than other scripting languages, allowing data scientists to quickly create Python / MATLAB / R while creating shortcodes.

Julia's data environment provides fast loading of multidimensional data. In parallel, it performs aggregation, merging, and preprocessing procedures.

Julia provides a variety of math libraries, data tools, and general-purpose software packages. Integration with Python, R, C / Fortran, C ++ and Java libraries is also pretty easy.


Perl is a collection of two high-level, dynamically interpreted general-purpose programming languages. Perl can handle requests for data much more efficiently because it is based on lightweight arrays that do not require much attention from the programmer.

Why Perl?

It has a lot in common with Python, a dynamically written scripting language, due to its adaptability as a general-purpose programming language. Perl is used in quantitative disciplines such as biology, finance, and statistics.

Perl allocates or compresses gigabytes of data using a simple and maintainable architecture, coordinating the insertion and query of large-scale data. Perl 6's goal is to create a modular and pluggable architecture that provides flexibility and customization in big data management.

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